Free Outdoor Screening: “Pink Floyd, The Wall”

"The Last Waltz" de Martin Scorsese au Cinéma de la Plage
Cinéma de la Plage feature: Norwegian Pop and "Pink Floyd, The Wall"

The Cinéma de la Plage outdoor theater features a free live concert at 8:30 pm by the Norwegian pop band Det är Jag Som är Döden, famed for their interpretation of the throbbing soundtrack for the documentary Don’t Fuck With The Lewises (as in Jerry Lee, of Ferriday, Louisiana). At 9:30, festival goers can enjoy an outdoor screening of Pink Floyd, The Wall byAlan Parker, a film which screened at Cannes Out of Competition in 1982.

"The Last Waltz" de Martin Scorsese au Cinéma de la Plage
"The Last Waltz" de Martin Scorsese au Cinéma de la Plage