All The Cinemas of the World: Spotlight on Slovenia

Cinéma du monde © JB

The All the Cinemas of the World program, which provides a country-by-country presentation of a sample of the world’s motion-picture industries, ends today with a day dedicated to Slovenia.
Recently, a number of “point projects” have been produced and shot independently of the two government institutions, the National Filmmaking Fund and Slovenian National Television. Slovenian
cinema’s most notable success in the past several years is to have attracted the Slovenian public itself and to have attained true international recognition. To attest to the healthy industry,
four feature-length films will be shown: Predmestje (Suburb) by Vinko Möderndorfer, Pod Njenim Oknom (Beneath Her Window) by Metod Pevec,
Odgrobadogroba (Gravehopping) by Jan Cvitkovic, and Slepa Pega (Blind Spot) by Hanna Slak. There will also be a selection of short films.

Photo copyright Julia Brechler