The Poster of the 60th Cannes Festival

affiche © BBQ

With the poster celebrating the 60th anniversary, the Cannes Festival looks resolutely to the future. According to Festival President Gilles Jacob, “Over a year ago, we began wondering how to
celebrate our 60th anniversary. All of us shared the same desire to anticipate the future, by giving top priority to the films and their creators, to pay tribute to the lifeblood of cinema. The
idea was to celebrate sixty years of creation with a creation.”
The idea was the brainchild of a 2006 meeting with the staff of the Magnum photo agency. The cult photos by American
photographer Philippe Halsman – his famous series of jumps – would be “remade” to celebrate the landmark 60th anniversary in 2007, with the creation of a “new jumpology”: the greatest
choreography ever organized for celebrities of the film world.

At the 2006 Festival, a number of world-class artists, including Pedro Almodóvar, Juliette Binoche, Jane Campion, Souleymane Cissé, Penelope Cruz, Gérard Depardieu, Samuel L.
Jackson, Bruce Willis, and Wong Kar Wai agreed to “jump” for Magnum photographer Alex Majoli – a studio visit between their photo-call and their film press conference. This series of
portraits, which eloquently expresses the pleasure of playing and creating, was then entrusted to graphic artist Christophe Renard, who composed them into an original collage, an ode to the
creative energy of cinema. The bouquet of artists explodes like a fireworks display, making the poster the graphic manifesto of a Festival bound for the future.

Radiomad designers Frédéric Menant and Jean-Pierre Hadida contributed an original signing system made up of rainbow-colored letters as a guide for festival-goers exploring the world
of this 60th event. The graphic identity they developed also appears in all the Festival’s official publications, is echoed in the Palais decoration scheme, honoring the directors of the
Selection, and “brands” the collection of Masterclasses in Cinema.

Photo copyright Bertille Blard-Quintard