Over your cities grass will grow by Sophie Fiennes – Special Screening

Sophie Fiennes

The director, Sophie Fiennes, will present her documentary Over your cities grass will grow at 7:30 p.m. today in Séance Spéciale in the Salle du Soixantième. This is her first time in Selection at the Festival, following in the footsteps of several members of her family.

Indeed, born of parents who are painters and photographers, Sophie Fiennes has always been surrounded by artists. Her sister Martha already came to Cannes back in 2005 to present her film Chromophobia featuring her brother, Ralph Fiennes, who climbed the steps for the occasion.
This year, it’s Sophie Fiennes’ turn to come to the Festival for Over your cities grass will grow. This film is in the same vein as her previous features: in it, she depicts a controversial artist – as she already did in VSPRS Show and tell in 2007. This new opus is about Anselm Kiefer, a German painter and sculptor who has lived in France for over a decade. He became famous for constructing a “hill studio” in Bajac called La Ribotte consisting of 48 buildings spread over 35 hectares. His life’s work has never failed to fascinate Sophie Fiennes who, in order to convey the sheer scale of his enterprise on screen, decided to shoot this documentary in Cinemascope.