


Director (Germany)
Doris Dörrie was born in Hanover in 1955. Studying two semesters of acting at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California directly after high school in 1973, she then moved to New York to enroll at the New School for Social Research studying Philosophy, Semantics and Psychology.
In 1975 she returned to Munich and started her studies at the Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen (University for Film and Television). During her studies, she made the 90 minute documentary Ob's stürmt oder schneit (1976) which she scripted, directed and produced.
She successfully finished her studies in 1978 with the movie Der erste Walzer, a 60 minute feature, which was co-produced with the Bayerische Rundfunk. From 1976 to 1980 she also worked as a film critic for the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
She has also published seven volumes of short stories and a novel since 1987.
Her films includ : Mitten ins Herz (Straight Through the Heart - 1983), Im Innern des Wals (Inside the Whale - 1984), Männer (Men - 1985), Paradise (Paradise - 1986), Ich und er (Me and Him - 1987), Geld (Money - 1988), Love in Germany (1989), Happy Birthday, Türke (Happy Birthday - 1994), Keiner liebt mich (Nobody Loves Me - 1995), Augenblicke (documentary - 1996), Bin ich schön? (Am I Beautiful? - 1998) and Erleuchtung garantiert (Guaranteed Enlightenment - 1999).

Présences au jury

  • Member Feature films, 1999