An exceptional photocall for the Festival’s 70th birthday
An exceptional photocall for an exceptional day. To celebrate its 70th birthday, 113 leading figures from throughout the world of film came together to pay tribute to the Festival de Cannes.
On the front row, winners of the prestigious Palme d’or... Quite the family photo.
Palme d'or winners
Laurent CANTET (Palme d’or 2008), Cristian MUNGIU (Palme d’or 2007), Jerry SCHATZBERG (Palme d’or 1973), Claude LELOUCH (Palme d’or 1966), Michael HANEKE (Palme d’or 2009 – 2012), Jane CAMPION (Palme d’or 1993), Ken LOACH (Palme d’or 2006 – 2016), Nanni MORETTI (Palme d’or 2001), Costa GAVRAS (Palme d’or 1993), Bille AUGUST (Palme d’or 1988 – 1992), Mohammed LAKDAR-HAMINA (Palme d’or 1975)
Agnès VARDA (Palme d’Honneur 2015), Jean-Pierre LEAUD (Palme d’Honneur 2016)
Jury presidents and members
Andrea ARNOLD (Jury 2012), Claudia CARDINALE (Jury 1993), Georges MILLER (President in 2016), Liv ULLMANN (President in 2001), Catherine DENEUVE (President in 1994), Isabelle HUPPERT (President in 2009), Nicole KIDMAN (Jury 2013)
The 2017 Juries
Pedro ALMODÓVAR (President), Maren ADE, Jessica CHASTAIN, FAN Bingbing, Agnès JAOUI, PARK Chan-wook, Will SMITH, Paolo SORRENTINO, Gabriel YARED
Uma THURMAN (President of the Un Certain Regard Jury), Mohamed DIAB (Un Certain Regard Jury), Reda KATEB (Un Certain Regard Jury), Joachim LAFOSSE (Un Certain Regard Jury)
Winners of Best Actor/Actress
Vincent LINDON (Best Actor 2015), Kirsten DUNST (Best Actress 2011), Elodie BOUCHEZ (Best Actress 1998), Emilie DEQUENNE (Best Actress 1999), Mads MIKKELSEN (Best Actor 2008 – Jury 2010), Emmanuelle BERCOT (Best Actress 2015), Christoph WALTZ (Best Actor 2009), Bérénice BEJO (Best Actress 2013), Juliette BINOCHE (Best Actress 2010), Benicio DEL TORO (Best Actor 2008 – Jury 2010), Séverine CANEELE (Best Actress 1999)
Oliver STONE, Diane KRUGER (Master of ceremonies in 2007), Monica BELLUCCI (Master of ceremonies in 2002 and 2017), Lambert WILSON (Master of ceremonies in 2014 and 2015), Sandrine BONNAIRE (Œil d’Or President 2017), Nastassja KINSKI, Gaspar NOE, Abel FERRARA, Salma HAYEK, Sofia COPPOLA, Mathieu KASSOVITZ, Charlize THERON, MAÏWENN, Alfonso CUARON, Guillermo DEL TORO, Dario ARGENTO, Alejandro G.INARRITU, Elle FANNING, Agustin ALMODOVAR, Laetitia CASTA, Cécile DE FRANCE, Colin FARRELL, Emmanuelle BEART, Valérie DONZELLI, Marion COTILLARD, Nicolas WINDING REFN, Emmanuelle DEVOS, Naomi KAWASE, Abderrahmane SISSAKO, Jacques DOILLON, Laura MORANTE (Master of ceremonies in 2004), Fatih AKIN, André DUSSOLLIER, Tilda SWINTON, Adrian BRODY, Nicole GARCIA, Jean-Pierre JEUNET, Marthe KELLER, Michel HAZANAVICIUS, Kristin SCOTT-THOMAS (Master of ceremonies in 2010), SHU-QI, Diego LUNA, Paul LAVERTY, Yorgos LANTHIMOS, Tonie MARSHALL, Elie SULEIMAN, Jerzy SKOLIMOWSKI, Valeria GOLINO, Gael GARCIA BERNAL, Ludivine SAGNIER, Matteo GARRONE, Céline SALLETTE, Antonio BANDERAS, Edouard BAER (Master of ceremonies in 2008 and 2009), Ariane LABED, Amos GITAI, Virginie LEDOYEN (Master of ceremonies in 2002), Ferid BOUGHEDIR, Sergio CASTELLITO, JIA Zhang-ke, Alain CAVALIER, Benoit JACQUOT, Raoul PECK, BONG Joon-ho, Barbet SCHROEDER, Jean-Paul GAULTIER, Michèle RAY-GAVRAS, Brillante MENDOZA.