The Magical Adventures of Angelo


Directors Vincent Paronnaud and Alexis Ducord join forces in Angelo dans la forêt mystérieuse (In the Wonderwoods), an animated film about the adventures of little Angelo, a 10-year-old lost in the forest. Their work will be presented as part of the festival’s Special Screenings.

Angelo dreams of being an explorer, so when life offers him this opportunity on a plate, there’s nothing left to do but prove himself. Forced to cut through the forest to reach his granny’s house, he enters a mysterious and disturbing world, first designed by Vincent Paronnaud.

Also known as Winshluss, Vincent Paronnaud is a comic book artist and filmmaker. He co-directed Persepolis (the 2007 Jury Prize winner) with Marjane Satrapi and Poulet aux prunes (Chicken with Plums) in 2011. In 2016, he received the Pépite d’Or at the Montreuil Children’s Book Fair for his comic “Dans la forêt sombre et mystérieuse” (“In The Dark Mysterious Forest”) – the inspiration behind Angelo dans la forêt mystérieuse (In the Wonderwoods), but only very loosely. In the author’s words, “it has the same flavours but is made with different ingredients.”

An animated film is a long-haul project, notes Vincent Paronnaud, who says he has formed a “rather effective” partnership with co-director Alexis Ducord: “Alexis and I aren’t afraid of the work and daily challenges a project like this can create. Alexis is always thinking about the story”. Alexis Ducord was the storyboard artist for Calamity, une enfance de Martha Jane Cannary (Calamity, a childhood of Martha Jane Cannary). This film about the life of Calamity Jane won the highest award at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in 2020.

The French voice actors are Dario Hardoin-Spurio (Angelo), José Garcia (Ultra), Yolande Moreau (Granny) and Philippe Katherine (Philippe).