UN CERTAIN REGARD RENDEZ-VOUS – Bastards (Les Salauds) by Claire Denis
For her return to Un Certain Regard with Bastards, Claire Denis reconnects with Vincent Lindon eleven years after Vendredi Soir. This time, he slips into the skin of Marco, the captain of a container-ship, who receives a distressed phone call from his sister in Paris following her husband’s suicide. Claiming she knows who pushed him to this desperate act, she asks for Marco’s help in avenging her husband’s death.
Tell us about the genesis of your film.
I always had the French title of Akiro Kurosawa’s film in mind: Les Salauds dorment en paix (The Bad Sleep Well). And finally, this working title stuck to the end. I think it is quite electrifying to repeat to oneself “bastards sleep well”. And then we just kept “Bastards”. I didn’t dare steal the whole thing.
Any recollection, an anecdote from the set?
Our little crew waiting in Dubai in the port of Fujairah. On the horizon, all these supertankers waiting in turn. We were waiting too. All around us, everything seemed immobile and white.
What films have influenced you?
I am influenced by many films. If I had to find a common denominator, I would say films that seem to be moved by an inevitable destiny, in which the outcome is not at all clear in advance.
Could you tell us about your next project?
No. Frankly no. It brings bad luck.
Tuesday 21 May / Salle Debussy / 2 pm – 10 pm