A stroll of jealousy, situated in a working class milieu, on the bloody banks of the river of gold. An old couple get married: she is a level-crossing keeper and he is the owner of a dredge boat. Mélita, the niece, falls in the water and shouts for help. Antonio saves her life and Carolina mopes with jealousy. On a train, Zé, a goldsmith and gypsy visionary, tries to sell Mélita a gold necklace. Unfortunately he “sees” the innocent girl’s past life: she is said to have killed her lover and painted their love chamber with his blood. Terrified, Zé flees. Carolina runs after him, steals the necklace and becomes his mistress. She wants him to tell her this terrifying secret.
Réalisé par : Paulo ROCHA
Pays : Portugal
Durée : 103 minutes
Pays : Portugal
Durée : 103 minutes
- Paulo ROCHA Screenplay
- Paulo ROCHA Screenplay
- Claudia TOMAZ Screenplay
- Elso ROQUE Cinematography
- José Mario BRANCO Music
- José Edgar FELDMAN Editing
- Jorge GONCALVES Production Design
- Alberto PESSIMO Production Design
- Felipe COCHOFEL Joao
- Isabel RUTH Carolina
- Lima DUARTE Antonio
- Joao CARDOSO Zé dos ouros
- Joana BARCIA Mélita
- Antonio CAPELO Joaquim